
Mondiali Freestyle 2007


■Speed Slalom
The performance
Time trials : The competitor will perform 2 runs : 12meter start, 20 cones spaced by 80cm, and 80 cm before the finish line = 28meters of run. Each cone down or not slalomed will make 0.2 second penalty. Time is going from the start until the finish line. Time trials will produce a time trials ranking useful to build up the KO system.
The duels : KO system does oppose competitors (example for 32 people) in the following order = 1-32, 16-17, 9-24, 25-8, 5-28, 21-12, 13-20, 29-4, 3-30, 19-14, 11-22, 27-6, 7-26, 23-10, 15-18, 31-2.
The qualifications can select 32 people, or 16, or 8, or another number according to the number of skaters taking part and the schedule. If there's less than 32 competitors, the ranking remain the same, opposing some competitors with nobody, then the competitors win the dual and goes directly to the next step (example)).
The winner of a duel opposing 2 competitors is the first competitor winning 2 runs, so a duel can be 2 runs or 3 runs. In order to identify the 3rd, a consolidation final is played between the losers of the ½ finals.

■Freestyle Slalom
The performance
The competitor will perform a 1minute30second run (time starting at the first cone) over the 3 lines of slalom, 20 cones each, 50cm-80cm-120cm. The performance will be achieved with music, which the competitors will provide on tape or CD before his run.
All the competitors will perform a first run, then they will perform the second one. Some extra training time can be proposed.

■The performance
The competitor will jump over a bar. He can try 2 times (or 3 times for the last 3 competitors) to jump over, if he does he can continue the contest. The competitor can also decide not to jump a bar of jump, waiting for the next step.

The performance
The competitor will jump over a bar, thanks to a jump board (flat, 60cm high, 120cm large, 230cm long). He can try 2 times (or 3 times for the last 3 competitors) to jump over, if he does he can continue the contest. The competitor can also decide not to jump a bar of jump, waiting for the next step.



practice 2007/09/10

・15周 アップ
・短距離走 複数回




[日付] 10月8日(日)体育の日
10時~12時 体験コーナー(初心者教室)

12時~15時 ロードレース 未就学児クラス(50m)から一般クラス(4000m)まで

[調布市サイト] http://www.chofucity-sports.or.jp/25th.sports.matsuri.html




【日時】2007/10/28(日)9:30受付 10:00~12:00



practice 2007/09/10

チーム】blizzard (team)
・一周ハイペース走 複数回
・スタート  複数回